User friendly interface

The interface of Alviscan, our self-measurement kiosks for vital signs, is very user-friendly. Patients can easily measure their own vital signs by following the instructions on the touchscreen. Alviscan offers multilingual support, short video instructions prior to the measurements and real-time feedback, making it a standout choice for patient self-measurements.

User friendly interface

The interface of Alviscan, our self-measurement kiosks for vital signs, is very user-friendly. Patients can easily measure their own vital signs by following the provided guidance on the touchscreen. Alviscan offers multilingual support, short video instructions prior to the measurements and real-time feedback, making it a standout choice for patient self-measurements.

Personal Assistant


Alviscan supports multiple languages. Patients can select their native
language and follow instructions to the letter.

Personal Assistant


The built-in touchscreen allows users to work with Alviscan without the need
for other equipment. This minimizes the learning curve.

Personal Assistant

Video instructions

Prior to each measurement, the user is shown a brief instructional video on how to perform the measurement.
Personal Assistant

Audio instructions

The audio instructions make the use of Alviscan more accessible to users with visual impairments or those who have difficulty reading text on screens. The user can easily control the audio level during use.  

Personal Assistant

Realtime feedback to the user 

The measurement equipment is deeply integrated into the software of the
Alviscan. This allows the software to provide realtime feedback to the user while
performing the measurements. This to increase the quality of the results and reduce the risk of failed measurements.

User interface

Easy to use
The user interface is simple and very easy to use. First time users navigate through the program effortlessly.

Visual based
Visual cues are used to guide the users through the measurent protocol. This helps users intuitively understand the required actions for a succesfull measurement.

It is possible to customise the user interface to your specific requirements. We can easily add your logo to the interface or on the receipt, and we can support different languages.


User interface

Easy to use
The user interface is simple and very easy to use. First time users navigate through the program effortlessly.

Visual based
Visual cues are used to guide the users through the measurent protocol. This helps users intuitively understand the required actions for a succesfull measurement.

It is possible to customise the user interface to your specific requirements. We can easily add your logo to the interface or on the receipt, and we can support different languages.


We are just as friendly as our software

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